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Products > Janabima
Children education security scheme of JANABIMA enables mass people to let their children receive the education without worrying about the undue burden of educational expenses. It is a helpful step towards the educated Bangladesh.CHILDREN EDUCATION SECURITY PLANFeatures & Eligibility: Types
Life insurance for the mass with limited income that promises to pay a stated amount to a designated beneficiary if the insured dies within a stipulated time or to the insured himself if he survives the term is small savings insurance.SMALL SAVINGS INSURANCEFeatures & Eligibility: Types
For inducing savings with apparently less income this has been proven to be a useful scheme. With this policy a policy holder can save money for his/her family.FAMILY SAVINGS & INCOME INSURANCE PLAN(with profit)Features & Eligibility: Types of Plan: It is an Endowment
Child Protection JANABIMA Policy of National Life Insurance Co. will insure both you and your child under the same policy even if you don’t have a lot of income. Should the child loss you before the policy matures, all the future premiums will be waived, yet the full sum insured
For some people, it is better to get paid in two periods than being paid altogether at once. This policy serves the purpose of such one and enables them to fulfill requirements more than once. It is more helpful as it does not need to have lots of capital to start.TWO PAYMENTS JANABIMA
Monthly savings scheme is a very popular savings scheme among the people of the country. of this project Through this, a huge population of the country saves on a monthly basis with a profit at the end of a specified period All savers get money back, which enriches their economic
Monthly savings scheme is a very popular savings scheme among the people of the country. of this project Through this, the low income people of the country save on a monthly basis with a profit over a fixed period of time All savers get money back, which enriches their economic
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